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Thank you for supporting women in Kansas City, like Amber

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Amber's Story

Please take time to read Amber's story...

On March 13th, 2020 the Big 12 Tournament was canceled. As someone in the entertainment industry, I knew I was out of a job. Before March 13th, 2020 I had envisioned a long life career at my company that would conclude with a handshake and a gold watch. I had my dream job. The only expectations I had set for myself was growing and living. But that was over with a capital “O”. Like many in people based industries, I was put in the position of, “What now?” while being told only “Sit tight. Wait.” Let it be known that I am not the kind of person to wait. I needed action but more importantly, I needed a job.

I was directionless, overwhelmed, and had little appreciation for my skills and experience. I felt that there was no way I was going to find a job on my own. I was prepared to pay a high price to have someone stronger, faster, and smarter find one for me. I did a google search of “Head Hunters in Kansas City.” I searched for an expert and I found that and more through the Women’s Employment Network.

WEN is an invaluable program that empowers you to grow personally and professionally. Through numerous workshops I have developed skills that have enhanced my professional self-esteem. The programs offered significantly changed my perspective on what it means to be successful and helped me discover paths that I once thought impossible. Their resources and volunteers provide thorough and engaging experiences that helped me evaluate my professional goals AND appreciate my skills and experience.

I am so incredibly moved and grateful to have the mentorship and support of the Women’s Employment Network. I had found sustainable employment and felt the dust of life post March 13th, 2020 had finally settled. What a perfect opportunity to give back! To return what WEN has given me is an insurmountable task but I was bound and determined to try. By becoming a WEN volunteer, I had the opportunity to help coordinate events, secure donations for the 35th anniversary luncheon, and provide insight for marketing efforts. It wasn’t much but it is what I could give…at the time.

In 2022, the dust settled and time given, I began to wonder, “What if?” Equipped with the tools and know-how provided by WEN, I began to ask myself a question I never thought I was worthy of asking, “What do I want?” I had a job. The bills were being paid. What more could I possibly want? After seeing the posting on Indeed for the Communications & Development Officer position at WEN, I knew that I had been asking the wrong question. The question was, “What can I give?” Because of the work and guidance of WEN, I know that for me true fulfillment lies within purpose.

As I write this today, I’ve completed over a year as a member of the WEN team. I am here to say that this is only the first year of the the rest of my life. Before March 13th, 2020 there was a dream job. Today, there’s so much more than that. There is purpose and my purpose is ensuring that all women can acquire economic independence, appreciate themselves, and to unapologetically set BIG goals. My purpose is the Women’s Employment Network.

 — 2020 WEN client


"I was directionless, overwhelmed, and had little appreciation for my skills and experience. I felt that there was no way I was going to find a job on my own...I searched for an expert and I found that and more through the Women’s Employment Network."

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